The page is blank... Or it was as I am now writing on it. Thinking about the power of words. The class I lead on Sunday mornings is doing a study of Proverbs and tomorrow's lesson deals with the tongue. The title is "Verbal Vices and Wise Words". Man, is it a hard hitter. I love reading the scriptures in Proverbs in the New Living Translation as it really makes them stand out in way that is so easy to understand. Like this one, Proverbs 3:3 ~ "Those who control their tongue will have a long life; opening your mouth can ruin everything." Pretty plain in what it means. Words ... The Bible has many, many verses about the power of words, about the tongue and taming it, etc. It compares words to a sword that cuts and destroys. Contrary to what the childhood saying of "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me," says, words can hurt, deeply and destructively. We see it in the headlines or hear it on the news all time. A teenager commits suicide because of verbal bullying or bullying online through the power of words. Kids grow up believing they are useless or stupid, ugly, unlovable, because of words spoken by thoughtless parents. Many times, relationships and marriages are destroyed through the power of words. We are a society of educated, multi-cultural, tech savvy individuals yet we still resort to name calling and labeling, making people feel less with words, and spouting empty opinions just to hear ourselves talk. Politicians, salesmen, con artists, news reporters have all taken words and turned them into jigsaw puzzle pieces that fit into their own agendas. Will it ever stop? No. Is there hope? Yes. In Christ there is always hope.
There are those that use the power of words to change lives, to lift up others, to share love, and to heal. Jesus is our example in this as in all things. Even when the truth is spoken it is to be done in love, not in self-righteousness or anger. Here is a paragraph from tomorrow's study I'd like to share, "The alternative to stabbing someone with words is to heal. Healing with words involves first refusing to use them to hurt. Second, healing with words means looking for chances to encourage and uplift. Just as doctors become skillful with their hands, so Jesus-followers should become experts at encouraging. We need to learn to give positive feedback, express care and affection, and complement sincerely." [Proverbs: Uncommon Sense - 2005 Serendipity House] It's a convicting lesson. So I have to ask myself, what do I do with my words? How do I use them? Do I really stop to think about the words I say or write?
I've been hurt by words and I know that there have been instances where I hurt someone else with my words. Sometimes unintentionally and sometimes intentionally. Not proud moments. My desire is to be helpful and encouraging with my words. To let those people in my life know I love them and care when they are hurting or happy. I think it is another part of this daily walk of life, especially in the life of a Child of God, that is a one day at a time thing (sometimes moment by moment). We have to get up each morning and intentionally give our tongue and our words to the Lord and ask Him to control it that day. I know that is what I need to do, must do, in order make my words be words of encouragement, healing, love, and sweetness.
I leave you with this verse from Proverbs. "Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. ~ Proverbs 16:24 [ESV] and in the New Living Translations: "Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."
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