Hey, gang! Alrighty, the session for 7/1/2012 is entitled "Relating Well, Relatively Speaking". The goals for the session are: 1) to understand roles, relationships and wisdom for families; 2) to be motivated to pursue or improve family relationships; and 3) to begin to understand parenting and marriage according to God's timeless wisdom. Also, pick a verse of your choice from this session to memorize and meditate on.
Here are the Bible readings for this week: I'd like for you to write down your thoughts about each day's verse(s), or at least one or two, to share in class for discussion.
Monday, 6/25 > Proverbs 18:22
Tuesday, 6/26 > Proverbs 23:15-16
Wednesday, 6/27 > Proverbs 27:8
Thursday, 6/28 > Proverbs 14:1
Friday, 6/29 > Proverbs 19:26 [Side note: Today David & I have been married 16 years! Time flies!]
Saturday, 6/30 > Proverbs 25:24
Sunday, 7/1 > Proverbs 23:26
Just for fun: Which TV family would you have most liked to have grown up in? Why?
[The above taken from Proverbs: Uncommon Sense, Session 3]
If families weren't important to God, He would have never created the family nor told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. Family dynamics and behaviors are mentioned throughout the Old and New Testaments. We have examples of righteous, godly families and examples of dysfunctional families in Scripture. Marriage relationships are outlined in the Scripture and God's intention for the marriage relationship is clear. Proverbs is filled with verses for husbands/fathers, wives/mothers, and children. I know that there is no perfect family and many people grow up in homes that are horrific examples of dysfunction, but the Lord has set guidelines and given wisdom in these relationships. If we study His Word and heed His wisdom and teaching and follow in obedience, we can help pave the road to a better family relationship for our own families to come. It is especially important for you all at the stage of life you are at now, before entering into marriage, to study and prayerfully seek the Lord for His will, His guidance and wisdom for what kind of husband, wife, father, mother, you should seek to be in Him. Search out marriage and family relationship books by solid Christian authors before you say I do or are even close to it. To be forewarned is to be forearmed! LOL Seriously though, look before you leap and take seriously God's ideal for marriage and the family. It should be a matter of much prayer and conversation with the Lord. You need to prepare now to become the man or woman God has planned to join to another. Or if God calls you to singleness, seek Him to fill that place in your heart and life that would be for a mate. You can create a family of your own even as a single by cultivating relationships with other singles who seek to serve the Lord, being an active part in the lives of children helping them to know the Lord, etc. Remember that Jesus Christ was single!
Here are some books to check out from Christian authors:
"The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman
"Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married" by Gary Chapman
"His Needs, Her Needs -- Revised and Expanded" by Willard F. Harley Jr.
Note: David & I had to read "His Needs, Her Needs" as part of our pre-marriage counseling. I'd read it
before you get that far even. Doesn't hurt.
"What the Bible Says about Love, Marriage, & Sex: The Song of Solomon" by Dr. David Jeremiah
"A Handbook for Engaged Couples" by Alice Fryling, robert Fryling
"Love for a Lifetime: Building a Marriage That Will go the Distance, Updated Edition" by Dr. James Dobson
~Any of these, plus many others, can be found at www.christianbook.com or your local Christian bookstore.~
Check out these web sites to read about relationships, singleness, marriage, and families. Some are for women and some for men, some for all:
http://www.focusonthefamily.com/ -- Focus on the Family
http://www.wholeheart.org/ -- Whole Heart ministries with Sally & Clay Clarkson
http://www.crosswalk.com/ -- Crosswalk a site with devotionals, articles, etc. (on all topics)
http://www.stormieomartian.com/ -- Stormie Omartian [her books, "The Power of a Praying Husband" and "The Power of a Praying Wife" will open your eyes. David & I have both read them.]
http://www.garychapman.org/ -- Dr. Gary Chapman: Marriage & Family Life
Alright gang, there it is, plenty to read for Sunday and plenty to contemplate for the future. The most important that to remember is that the Lord must be the Head of you and your relationship. A godly relationship takes three: the Lord, you and your significant other.
Have a great week!! ~ Tami
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