As I am driving home, I'm doing some more praying. Asking for wisdom, strength, for the Lord to get glory in all circumstances, and letting the Lord know that I knew this was all in His hands. Called to check on things at home and my stepson was able to stop by after work on his way home and was in the process of cleaning up the water mess in the utility room. I love that boy! Stopped and purchased washer and made arrangements for next day delivery; get home, grab towels etc. and begin helping with the clean up process; old washer removal to outside, etc. The hubby was able to get hold of a plumber and he arrived and fixed the water lines. We took a break to eat supper ... thank you Pizza Hut! Floors dried and I got to sweep all that yuck that accumulates beside and behind washers over the years out as well as spray bug spray etc. After a little too much spray inhalation, I went outside to sit in the swing and soak up the fresh air, do some more praying and talking with my Lord and enjoying the evening as it cooled off. The washer and water line break were blessings in disguise because if all that had happened in the morning while they were trying to deliver and install the new washer it would have been a far worse mess. My stepson would have been at work and unable to help as well. The Lord knows what needs to happen and when, so we are thankful for that little bump in the road. Also, David's physical therapist had showed up about the time the water line broke, and bless her heart, she pitched in and helped get stuff up off the floor and followed David down to the cellar to turn off the water. I pray the Lord blesses her in special way for her help. God is good!! We try to find the positive in the negative. And we thank the Lord that the funding was in the savings to pay for the washer and the water line repairs... again His provision.
Now back to the contemplation of the lemons. I got to thinking about the old adage "When life gives you lemons make lemonade" and began wondering what other things lemons might be good for. You know, looking beyond lemonade. Of course, a web search for "things to do with lemons" was performed. So on a lighter note and perhaps a helpful one, here are some other things you can do with lemons besides make lemonade. These are from the following web site:
- Got a sore throat? Add lemon juice and honey to some sage tea and gargle it before going to bed.
- Freeze the juice in ice cube trays for later use.
- Polish copper by rubbing it with a lemon juice-soaked cloth and buffing it dry.
- Make a refreshing tea, with lemon, fresh mint and lemon grass.
- For a mild, stain-free bleach, soak your delicate clothing in a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda for at least half an hour before washing.
- Make a simple but delicious risotto, with mascarpone, parmesan, black pepper and plenty of lemon zest, garnish with wild rocket.
- Add half a lemon to the dishwasher load for sparkling, spot-free, clean-smelling dishes.
- Infuse your favourite oil with lemon peel: Warm 250ml olive oil and the rind of two lemons over a very low heat for 15 minutes, then allow to cool before decanting it into a stoppered bottle. Delicious on salad greens
- To remove lime scale, hard water or soap residue rub taps, draining boards and even porcelain with lemon.
- Cut a lemon in half and sprinkle baking soda on the cut section. Use the lemon to scrub dishes, surfaces and stains.
- Exfoliate and clean your feet by mixing up some lemon pulp and brown sugar and get rubbing! Rinse and moisturise.
- Use the power of lemon as a natural furniture polish - combine 1 part lemon juice with 2 parts olive oil.
- For ink spots on clothing, apply lots of lemon juice to the stain as soon as possible. Wash the garment in normal cycle in cold water.
- Another all-purpose cleaning solution: combine lemon juice, vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
- Make Natural Mothers Lemon Curd
- Clean earrings by placing them in a saucer of lemon juice.
- Dry lemon or orange peels can be used to freshen drawers.
- Make French Lemon Macaroons for a loved one.
- Make a facial scrub with sugar and lemon juice for cleaner and softer skin.
There you have it! Trust me there are plenty of other sites as well. Point is when life gives you those lemons, look beyond their face value and see what else can come from them. Many times it is something positive, helpful, and good.
~~ Tami ~~
~~ Tami ~~