Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Looking Beyond Lemonade

Today has been a little tasking emotionally and slightly physically.  I stated on my Facebook post that I had been given some of life's lemons and I'd probably be making lemonade in deference to the old adage.  Little did I know when I posted that that I would get to more hits with lemons!  Things do come in threes they say.  First, let me say that the "lemons" I received are not earth shattering or life threatening.  There are far worse things I could be experiencing but it was a triple shot day and I was a little knocked off kilter by the first one.  The second two turned out to be a blessing in disguise, thank you, Lord!  So here's what happened and yes, it could be much much worse, so I'm not having a pity party just a little observational conversation.  #1... My new co-worker of a little over 4 months told me that she is taking a position in another department and her last day is in two weeks.  Whoa, was not expecting that information in any way, shape or fashion.  Poor girl, my initial reaction was to burst into tears!  The tears were two-fold.  First, immediate panic of "I can't do both of our jobs!!"  The university I work at isn't approving requests to fill open positions in a rapid manner or at all leaving many office workers doing the work of two or three people.  We just filled this position at the end of February after my original co-worker retired at the end of last year.  Secondly, the tears were because I love working with my new co-worker.  She is young, bright, funny, easy going, easy to talk to and work with etc.  I know why the other office (higher up) recruited her.  She's good at what she does and has a bright future ahead.  Anyway, once she left and I did some more crying and much praying for strength and wisdom behind my closed office door, I cleaned myself up and got on with the work day.  #2... My husband called later in the afternoon to tell me that our washer, which has been sickly for quite sometime, was finally gasping it's last breaths and I should stop at the local store in town and pick out a new washer and have them deliver it tomorrow.  Okay, no problem, I knew that one was coming in the near future.  Second hit wasn't too damaging.  I then had a meeting with my boss to discuss filling our upcoming open office position.  After telling him about the washer death knell, I jokingly told him that I was waiting on the third thing to happen since things seem to happen in threes.  #3... A half hour later I'm sitting down in the Dean's office getting ready to talk to the administrative assistant about the upcoming open position when my cell phone rings with the hubby's ringtone.  I excuse myself to get it and tell him I will call him back in a minute.  His reply, "Hurry, I have a problem here."  Since he is home recuperating from full knee replacement surgery, my first thought was that he had done something awful to the knee etc.  I called him right back and asked what the problem was and he tells me the washer water line broke and water was all over our utility room.  Area carpet on the floor and all other throw rugs were soaked, etc.  A huge ball of something dropped in my stomach to say the least.  With a quick, prayerful thank you that he wasn't physically injured, I headed back up to the office to tell my co-worker I had to leave now etc. etc.

As I am driving home, I'm doing some more praying.  Asking for wisdom, strength, for the Lord to get glory in all circumstances, and letting the Lord know that I knew this was all in His hands.  Called to check on things at home and my stepson was able to stop by after work on his way home and was in the process of cleaning up the water mess in the utility room.  I love that boy!  Stopped and purchased washer and made arrangements for next day delivery; get home, grab towels etc. and begin helping with the clean up process; old washer removal to outside, etc.  The hubby was able to get hold of a plumber and he arrived and fixed the water lines.  We took a break to eat supper ... thank you Pizza Hut!  Floors dried and I got to sweep all that yuck that accumulates beside and behind washers over the years out as well as spray bug spray etc.  After a little too much spray inhalation, I went outside to sit in the swing and soak up the fresh air, do some more praying and talking with my Lord and enjoying the evening as it cooled off.  The washer and water line break were blessings in disguise because if all that had happened in the morning while they were trying to deliver and install the new washer it would have been a far worse mess.  My stepson would have been at work and unable to help as well.  The Lord knows what needs to happen and when, so we are thankful for that little bump in the road.  Also, David's physical therapist had showed up about the time the water line broke, and bless her heart, she pitched in and helped get stuff up off the floor and followed David down to the cellar to turn off the water.  I pray the Lord blesses her in special way for her help.  God is good!!  We try to find the positive in the negative.  And we thank the Lord that the funding was in the savings to pay for the washer and the water line repairs... again His provision.

Now back to the contemplation of the lemons.  I got to thinking about the old adage "When life gives you lemons make lemonade" and began wondering what other things lemons might be good for.  You know, looking beyond lemonade.  Of course, a web search for "things to do with lemons" was performed.  So on a lighter note and perhaps a helpful one, here are some other things you can do with lemons besides make lemonade.  These are from the following web site:
  1. Got a sore throat? Add lemon juice and honey to some sage tea and gargle it before going to bed.
  2. Freeze the juice in ice cube trays for later use.
  3. Polish copper by rubbing it with a lemon juice-soaked cloth and buffing it dry.
  4. Make a refreshing tea, with lemon, fresh mint and lemon grass.
  5. For a mild, stain-free bleach, soak your delicate clothing in a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda for at least half an hour before washing.
  6. Make a simple but delicious risotto, with mascarpone, parmesan, black pepper and plenty of lemon zest, garnish with wild rocket.
  7. Add half a lemon to the dishwasher load for sparkling, spot-free, clean-smelling dishes.
  8. Infuse your favourite oil with lemon peel: Warm 250ml olive oil and the rind of two lemons over a very low heat for 15 minutes, then allow to cool before decanting it into  a stoppered bottle. Delicious on salad greens
  9. To remove lime scale, hard water or soap residue rub taps, draining boards and even porcelain with lemon.
  10. Cut a lemon in half and sprinkle baking soda on the cut section. Use the lemon to scrub dishes, surfaces and stains.
  11. Exfoliate and clean your feet by mixing up some lemon pulp and brown sugar and get rubbing! Rinse and moisturise.
  12. Use the power of lemon as a natural furniture polish - combine 1 part lemon juice with 2 parts olive oil.
  13. For ink spots on clothing, apply lots of lemon juice to the stain as soon as possible. Wash the garment in normal cycle in cold water.
  14. Another all-purpose cleaning solution: combine lemon juice, vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
  15. Make Natural Mothers Lemon Curd
  16. Clean earrings by placing them in a saucer of lemon juice.
  17. Dry lemon or orange peels can be used to freshen drawers.
  18. Make French Lemon Macaroons for a loved one.
  19. Make a facial scrub with sugar and lemon juice for cleaner and softer skin.
There you have it!  Trust me there are plenty of other sites as well.  Point is when life gives you those lemons, look beyond their face value and see what else can come from them.  Many times it is something positive, helpful, and good.
                                          ~~  Tami ~~

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"I Have An Awesome Life."

This photo was on my Facebook wall yesterday from PURE Ministries and my heart just melted so I had to repost on my FB page.  I put a comment of "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world" underneath.  Why?  Because He does love all the children.  In Luke 18:16, it says, "Then Jesus called for the children and said to the disciples, "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children." [New Living Translation]  Sadly, we live in a society that does not truly value these small lives.  From the ones willing to kill them in the womb, to the ones who beat them down physically and emotionally from the time they are small, to the ones who desire to do unspeakable things to them or sell them into slavery, we are a world that does not protect our children.  Yes, there are individuals, families, and organizations who are fighting for and trying to save our children but as a whole we (the world) are letting children down.  I see more concern, television advertising, posts, etc. about the well being of animals and pets than I do for children.  And don't starting hating, I don't advocate or think animals and pets should be treated badly either.  But when we care more about the killing of baby seals than we do of our own unborn children that is shameful.  I don't typically express some of my opinions in a public forum but this photo of this precious little girl touched me and I wanted to share my thoughts here.  Agree or disagree, that is fine.  Our children should not be disposable whether pre-born or born.  Look around you at the children in your lives, in your church, in your community, do you see a face that needs to be told they are "fearfully and wonderfully made"?  Take the time to encourage a child today.

Psalm 139:14 ~ "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well."  [New King James]

If you would like to know more about PURE Ministries, check out their Facebook page:

"God doesn't make junk." 

                                                      ~ Tami ~

Monday, June 25, 2012

Crossroads Class Session for 7-1-2012

Hey, gang!  Alrighty, the session for 7/1/2012 is entitled "Relating Well, Relatively Speaking".  The goals for the session are: 1) to understand roles, relationships and wisdom for families; 2) to be motivated to pursue or improve family relationships; and 3) to begin to understand parenting and marriage according to God's timeless wisdom.  Also, pick a verse of your choice from this session to memorize and meditate on.  

Here are the Bible readings for this week:  I'd like for you to write down your thoughts about each day's verse(s), or at least one or two, to share in class for discussion.
Monday, 6/25 > Proverbs 18:22
Tuesday, 6/26 > Proverbs 23:15-16
Wednesday, 6/27 > Proverbs 27:8
Thursday, 6/28 > Proverbs 14:1
Friday, 6/29 > Proverbs 19:26   [Side note: Today David & I have been married 16 years! Time flies!]
Saturday, 6/30 > Proverbs 25:24
Sunday, 7/1 > Proverbs 23:26

Just for fun:  Which TV family would you have most liked to have grown up in?  Why?
[The above taken from Proverbs: Uncommon Sense, Session 3]

If families weren't important to God, He would have never created the family nor told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply.  Family dynamics and behaviors are mentioned throughout the Old and New Testaments.  We have examples of righteous, godly families and examples of dysfunctional families in Scripture.  Marriage relationships are outlined in the Scripture and God's intention for the marriage relationship is clear.  Proverbs is filled with verses for husbands/fathers, wives/mothers, and children.  I know that there is no perfect family and many people grow up in homes that are horrific examples of dysfunction, but the Lord has set guidelines and given wisdom in these relationships.  If we study His Word and heed His wisdom and teaching and follow in obedience, we can help pave the road to a better family relationship for our own families to come.  It is especially important for you all at the stage of life you are at now, before entering into marriage, to study and prayerfully seek the Lord for His will, His guidance and wisdom for what kind of husband, wife, father, mother, you should seek to be in Him.  Search out marriage and family relationship books by solid Christian authors before you say I do or are even close to it.  To be forewarned is to be forearmed!  LOL  Seriously though,  look before you leap and take seriously God's ideal for marriage and the family.  It should be a matter of much prayer and conversation with the Lord.  You need to prepare now to become the man or woman God has planned to join to another.  Or if God calls you to singleness, seek Him to fill that place in your heart and life that would be for a mate.  You can create a family of your own even as a single by cultivating relationships with other singles who seek to serve the Lord, being an active part in the lives of children helping them to know the Lord, etc.  Remember that Jesus Christ was single!

Here are some books to check out from Christian authors:
"The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman
"Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married" by Gary Chapman
"His Needs, Her Needs -- Revised and Expanded" by Willard F. Harley Jr.
  Note: David & I had to read "His Needs, Her Needs" as part of our pre-marriage counseling.  I'd read it
  before you get that far even.  Doesn't hurt.
"What the Bible Says about Love, Marriage, & Sex: The Song of Solomon" by Dr. David Jeremiah
"A Handbook for Engaged Couples" by Alice Fryling, robert Fryling
"Love for a Lifetime: Building a Marriage That Will go the Distance, Updated Edition" by Dr. James Dobson
~Any of these, plus many others, can be found at or your local Christian bookstore.~

Check out these web sites to read about relationships, singleness, marriage, and families.  Some are for women and some for men, some for all: -- Focus on the Family -- Whole Heart ministries with Sally & Clay Clarkson -- Crosswalk a site with devotionals, articles, etc. (on all topics) -- Stormie Omartian  [her books, "The Power of a Praying Husband" and "The Power of a Praying Wife" will open your eyes.  David & I have both read them.] -- Dr. Gary Chapman: Marriage & Family Life

Alright gang, there it is, plenty to read for Sunday and plenty to contemplate for the future.  The most important that to remember is that the Lord must be the Head of you and your relationship.  A godly relationship takes three: the Lord, you and your significant other.

Have a great week!! ~ Tami

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

"I Won't Let Go" by Rascal Flatts

I really love this song and it expresses how I feel about my husband, my best friend, my partner in life, my David.

I'll Stand By You

It's late and yes, I'm up, and yes, it's a work night, and yes, I'm tired.  It's just that it's really quiet and I feel a little lost without my other half here with me.  My husband had knee replacement surgery this afternoon on his right knee and will be in the hospital a couple days. It's hard to watch someone you love lying in a hospital bed, seeing them being in pain, etc.  I wanted to switch places so bad.  In the day to day, you know you love someone but it seems when something like this is going on and the one you love is hurting, you can almost feel the love inside you expand and reach out.  I sat beside him offering drinks of water whenever he would wake up, or ask if there was anything else he needed.  Being extremely groggy, in some pain naturally (a big thank you for morphine drips), he wasn't saying too much but we had some conversation periodically.  I'd fill him in on who had called or texted to see how he was doing.  We talked about how grateful we were to the Lord for Him watching over the surgery and how although he had pain now, it would go away and he was going to be on the road to recovery back to a normal way of life.  No more constant knee pain and weakness, being able to walk longer than 15 minutes or so, etc.  But there is something about those moments when it's just the two of you in these situations and you just look at each other and you don't even need words.  You know what the other person is saying without words just by the way they are looking at you. It's something I had thought I would never experience, a dream I had let go of. But almost 16 married years later, and almost 17 years together, here it is. That love, that bond, that keeps growing, that endures, that says "I'll stand by you", through it all.  For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health.  It can bring a gal to tears.  Joyful, thankful tears.  It was hard leave his room tonight to come home.  He kept telling me I needed to go so I could get home and rest.  But all I kept thinking to myself was that although the nurses were great they didn't know how to take care of him like I do.  They can't bring him calmness and ease like I can.  No one knows him like I do. Isn't that silly? Nah, it's just natural I suppose.

So I'm not really sure of the purpose of this blog tonight/this morning, I guess I just needed to write down what was going on in my head.  I do know that I'm extremely thankful to the Lord for His care as the surgery went so well, and the wonderful skills of Dr. Barr and his team.  Thankful for the many family and friends praying for him and the surgery (and me). Thankful to our pastor and his wife, my parents, my stepdaughter, sister-in-law, a pair of good friends, and later my stepson, who all came to the hospital to be with David and I. Thankful for all those folks checking in by phone and Facebook. It's such a wonderful experience to feel the Lord's presence in those times and to see Him personified in the support of family and friends.

"Are any among you suffering? They should keep on praying about it. And those who have reason to be thankful should continually sing praises to the Lord." ~ James 5:13   [New Living Translation]

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Words ~ Hurting or Healing

The page is blank...  Or it was as I am now writing on it.  Thinking about the power of words.  The class I lead on Sunday mornings is doing a study of Proverbs and tomorrow's lesson deals with the tongue.  The title is "Verbal Vices and Wise Words".  Man, is it a hard hitter.  I love reading the scriptures in Proverbs in the New Living Translation as it really makes them stand out in way that is so easy to understand. Like this one, Proverbs 3:3 ~ "Those who control their tongue will have a long life; opening your mouth can ruin everything."  Pretty plain in what it means.  Words ... The Bible has many, many verses about the power of words, about the tongue and taming it, etc.  It compares words to a sword that cuts and destroys.  Contrary to what the childhood saying of "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me," says, words can hurt, deeply and destructively.  We see it in the headlines or hear it on the news all time.  A teenager commits suicide because of verbal bullying or bullying online through the power of words.  Kids grow up believing they are useless or stupid, ugly, unlovable, because of words spoken by thoughtless parents.  Many times, relationships and marriages are destroyed through the power of words.  We are a society of educated, multi-cultural, tech savvy individuals yet we still resort to name calling and labeling, making people feel less with words, and spouting empty opinions just to hear ourselves talk.  Politicians, salesmen, con artists, news reporters have all taken words and turned them into jigsaw puzzle pieces that fit into their own agendas.  Will it ever stop?  No.  Is there hope?  Yes.  In Christ there is always hope.

There are those that use the power of words to change lives, to lift up others, to share love, and to heal.  Jesus is our example in this as in all things.  Even when the truth is spoken it is to be done in love, not in self-righteousness or anger.  Here is a paragraph from tomorrow's study I'd like to share, "The alternative to stabbing someone with words is to heal.  Healing with words involves first refusing to use them to hurt.  Second, healing with words means looking for chances to encourage and uplift.  Just as doctors become skillful with their hands, so Jesus-followers should become experts at encouraging.  We need to learn to give positive feedback, express care and affection, and complement sincerely."  [Proverbs: Uncommon Sense - 2005 Serendipity House]  It's a convicting lesson.  So I have to ask myself, what do I do with my words?  How do I use them?  Do I really stop to think about the words I say or write?

I've been hurt by words and I know that there have been instances where I hurt someone else with my words.  Sometimes unintentionally and sometimes intentionally.  Not proud moments.  My desire is to be helpful and encouraging with my words.  To let those people in my life know I love them and care when they are hurting or happy.  I think it is another part of this daily walk of life, especially in the life of a Child of God, that is a one day at a time thing (sometimes moment by moment).  We have to get up each morning and intentionally give our tongue and our words to the Lord and ask Him to control it that day.  I know that is what I need to do, must do, in order make my words be words of encouragement, healing, love, and sweetness.

I leave you with this verse from Proverbs.  "Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. ~ Proverbs 16:24  [ESV] and in the New Living Translations:  "Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Yummy goodness ~ Sopapilla Cheesecake Bars

I just had to pop on here to give the link for the recipe for Pillsbury's Sopapilla Cheesecake Bars.  These are so wonderfully good.  Light, creamy, sugar and cinnamon goodness.  I've seen the recipe and others like it but have never gotten around to making them.  I will now.  Thanks to Stacey, our graduate student who brought them into the office this afternoon.

"Will you still need me, Will you still feed me, When I'm 64"

"Will you still need me, Will you still feed me, When I'm 64" as queried by The Beatles in their song "When I'm 64".  The lyric goes on with "When I get older, losing my hair, many years from now.  Will you still be sending me a Valentine, birthday greetings, bottle of wine?"  This song popped into my head earlier and I began thinking how the spirit of the lyric relates to real life many times.  What started all this pondering was a song I posted about on my Facebook page this morning.  Rascal Flatt's "I Won't Let Go" was the song.  It was my first time hearing it and I posted the following comments:  Heard this song a minute ago for the first time and it immediately made me think of what being married is all about. When you hit the for better or worse, in sickness or in health, for richer or poorer parts of the marriage journey that's ...when love is proved. It's hard to travel through those parts, but those make you stronger, draw you closer, and seal you with everlasting bonds. Flowers, gifts and romantic gestures are nice things to get, but it's the standing by and hanging in when I'm unlovable, when sickness or tragedy strikes, when fortunes fail, and when the devil is trying to give us a beat down that love shines through. How do I know this? Because we've lived it and came out on the other side together as one. Each day is a commitment to be there and to love each other - warts & all. How did/do we do it? Only through the power & presence of the Lord in our lives and hearts and His everlasting love for us giving us an everlasting love for each other. Are we perfect? No way! But thankfully, our Lord and Savior is. [end of FB post]  It's a beautiful song and you can check it out on YouTube if you'd like to hear it or on my FB page is you are one of my FB friends.

We've become a society, for the most part, that holds to the idea of if it's broke why fix it, I can just go out and get another one.  Oh, the luster and shine is gone, should I try to make it sparkle like new again?  Nope, just get a new shiny one or one that still looks good not so much wear and tear.  Etc...  We throw away things, including relationships, that become unattractive, no fun, a little worse for wear or broken, unpleasant to deal with, and on and on.  Why?  Because we judge our relationships by the world's standards and not by God's.  We focus on the external, the pleasurable, the self-gratification side of relationships.  When you are riding in the bumper cars of life and they begin to knock your relationship around, whether through sickness, money troubles, dealing with the kids, you just don't look that good to me anymore, you just don't excite me anymore, emotional upheavals, the who are you and why did I marry you days, etc., you begin to focus on the bumps and bruises, the scratches and dings and become dissatisfied.  Many times that's when we begin looking over at the greener grass on the other side of the fence or checking out new models that appear to be perfect.  Trust me, sometimes there are some big ol' flaws and problems hiding inside those snazzy chassises.  And there are some dandelions growing in the greener grass when you take a closer look.  I love the TV show "American Pickers" because Mike and Frank find the beauty and specialness of beat up, rusty, old things, and the item's history and they just get so excited about it when they get to purchase items.  Why can't we be that way with the people in our lives?  Look beyond the imperfections life brings and be excited you have that person in your life and the history you have together.

True, for generations girls have been taught to look for that knight in shining armor up on the big white horse to rescue us and make us pampered princesses who live happily ever after.  So we women have put some unrealistic expectations upon the men we come across in our lives.  They are imperfect creatures just as we are, ladies.  And the fellas have been brainwashed and stimulated to think that all women should look like supermodels ... for eternity.  Fortunately, there are women and men out there that believe and live otherwise to these unrealistic, unattainable distortions of real people.  But the topic of the differences between women and men could go on forever (like this post seems to be doing!). 

So what is the point of this rambling post?  It's this... Relationships, epecially marriages, are wonderful things that need to be tended like you do a garden or a vineyard with loving care, fighting and pulling the weeds, protecting the plants and vines, nurturing them, watering them, not giving up when all seems lost.  I've seen stories about vineyards and forests that have seemingly been destroyed by fire only to find life in the roots of the vines and forest plants and trees.  Yes, marriage can be challenging.  Yes, we get older, lose our hair, get pudgy, get sick or hurt, get cranky sometimes.  Yes, we hit hard times financially, emotionally, spiritually.  But we perservere, we fight the fires, we look for the life in the roots and we nourish it and strengthen it back to full bloom.  Can we do it alone?  I don't think so.  In my experience, it has taken much prayer, reliance on the power and grace of the Lord, remember that He forgave us and we in turn forgive others, and that He loves us - warts and all - like no other can and enables us to love others back in the same way.

I highly recommend the movies "Fireproof" and "Courageous" for a look at the struggles and triumphs that come in relationships.  And for you single ladies and gents, I think it is especially important to watch movies like this, read reliable relationship materials by godly, Christian authors, and be in prayer about the relationships the Lord would bring into your lives.  I know how hard it is to wait for that someone special in your life.  I've been there. I was single until I was 34 and had given the idea of a relationship with someone up to the Lord.  I knew He would fill that longing for a husband I had inside me if I was to remain single.  I've now been on both sides of the relationship fence.  The Lord's best for you is always better than you can imagine even when the bumps come.  Don't settle for second or third best.  If you are already in a relationship, especially a marriage, don't give up when the weeds begin to sprout or the vineyard begins to look unkept, fight - perservere - forgive - love as the Lord loves you.

Perservere > to persist in anything undertaken; maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement; continue steadfastly; to bolster, sustain, or uphold.

Remember.... It maybe old, but it's a classic!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

And so it begins...

And so it begins.... that's right I've entered the blogosphere.  Egads, what have I done?!  I'm a little excited, a little nervous, and a little hesitant all at the same time.  I have never been good at keeping a diary on a consistent basis, well, on any basis.  Tried it as a kid, teenager, and off and on as a grownup but always felt what I put down was either boring or never came out like I wanted it to.  "Dear Diary, Today I... blah, blah, blah, etc.  Hopefully, this time around I will be able to be creative, insightful, helpful, and generally interesting (at least to myself).  This blog will be all things, hence the name "Life's Eclectic Cafe".  There will be postings about my interests, things that are on my mind and heart, probably some ponderings, perhaps some deep thoughts (ha!), some recipes, and definitely matters of life's journey as a child of God.  My relationship to the Lord as #1, my husband, my family and close friends are the priority areas in my life.  Without the Lord and His love for me and the grace He showed to me, I would be nothing.  So come on in and take a look around Life's Eclectic Cafe!